interactive visitor information

Why you need to deploy interactive visitor information

If you’re a heritage attraction such as a museum, a significantly important function is providing guests with easily digestible visitor information. Traditionally this is achieved through labelling or signage, and it’s a vitally important aspect. Usually comprising of professionally printed boards or cards situated next to the exhibit. This information is certainly important to the visitors, but one of the major limitations can be lack of space. This is particularly the case if there’s additional detail you’d like to communicate to visitors. It’s an area where interactive visitor information can help.

A new way to provide museum labelling

But there’s a new way to provide interactive information, allowing you to boost visitor experience. Visitors can have more choice over the way they digest information when the information is interactive. The technology employed is called augmented reality (AR), and it’s accessed via the visitors’ own mobile phone. We call this information mechanism digital labelling. What’s great are the many advantages to be gained over traditional labelling methods, certainly for visitors.

interactive visitor information

So, perhaps you have an exhibit that has three or four separate aspects you wish to bring to the visitors’ attention? That’s a fair bit of information, certainly too much for traditional labelling methods, especially if the location’s sensitive. However, with augmented reality this is easily enabled. What’s also great is that you don’t have to serve all this information up in a single go. You can build in the functionality that allows visitors to tap their phone to dig-down. And depending on their interest level, they can retrieve the facts they want to see.

Interactive visitor information in vibrant RGB

Traditionally, with interpretation boards, cards, signs – you’d be limited to text information and a printed cmyk format image. But now you can raise the ante with vibrant RGB images using 2D or even 3D. What’s brilliant about digital labelling using AR is that it enables the reduction of signage whilst dramatically increasing information delivery possibilities. You can read more about this here: digital labelling for museums.

Key advantages:

There are numerous advantages to making visitor information interactive, as follows:

Enables visitors to self-serve information to their own liking and preferences, boosting enjoyment and fun.

Allows much deeper levels of information to be made available to visitors.

Interactivity improves visitor engagement and experience.

Allows the introduction of rich visuals in 2 and 3D.

Ability to include audio dialogue (in settings where this wouldn’t be disruptive).

So if you’re investigating ways to boost visitor engagement and enjoyment, then consider introducing augmented reality to your exhibit labelling. It will bring new life to your visitor information delivery and also make it interactive and contextual.

Contact us to discuss the possibilities.

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